
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Conan Irish dances... with Trinity!

Anyone who knows me can tell you that I am a night owl. An insomniac. Nocturnal even. Basically, I just stay up too late most of the time. Now, this creates problems for me, as I'm not a morning person [and that's putting it gently], but my late-night waking hours also lead to a great deal of exciting TV watching. For a long time, I've loved watching Conan O'Brien during the wee hours of the night. He's goofy and weird and off kilter and I adore him. I can't fathom how much he's made me laugh over the years, but nothing tops his adventures in Irish step dancing with the Trinity Academy.

In case you missed this hilarious segment on Conan, Monday night [perhaps you were sleeping, like a normal  person!], it's available right here to watch, as Conan and the Trinity Irish dancers practice the art of dancing without moving their arms..

Are you crying because that was so funny? I was am...obviously I watched again it for the umpteenth time...

What's my favorite part [besides tall, gangly Conan awkwardly dancing/doing push-ups], you ask? The two, clearly recognizable shiny, silver World Championship trophies sitting on a table as Conan goes on his tour-de-bars. I suppose that's what happens at this legendary school where winning World Championships is the norm... they're just so spectacular that they have Worlds trophies floating about the Irish American Heritage Center willy-nilly :) No big deal. If I had one of those, it would be snuggled in bed with me every night while I watch Conan.

Haven't had enough yet? The behind-the-scenes video is equally parts funny [thanks to Conan and his waistcoat & headband, Michael Flatley inspired performance costume] and impressive [thanks to the unsurpassed precision of Trinity's dancers].

Kudos to Trinity's Erin Gradus, for not missing a beat [literally, she was drumming!] after Conan accidentally kicked her in the face! She even smiled! What a professional :) Fabulously done, Conan & Trinity! 

Keep Dancing,

Don't forget to enter for a chance to win a pair of  Iconic by John Carey hard shoes!


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  2. Early Irish dance dresses for women included a simple bodice worn over homespun skirts that reached the ankle. Ribbons and flowers were used to decorate the skirts. Check Irish Dance Funding website for more details.
