
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

2013 {Snack Attack}

Happy New Year, Irish dancers! I hope 2013 is off to a fabulous start! For many of us, new year = new {dance} resolutions. My fellow Irish dance blogger, Sara of Rince Go Bragh, can attest to that! {check out her 2013 goals here} Whether your goal is to stand on the World's podium this year, pass the TCRG exam, or get your slip jig into prizewinner, healthy eating is likely an integral component of achieving those dreams. 

 A few go-to snacks keep me fueled for dancing, or re-energize me after a few hours in the studio. What makes up an ideal snack for Irish dancers, like me? I look for high protein, high fiber, low fat, filling foods. 

Snack Attack

{1} Sparking ICE Pink Grapefruit flavored water: Ok, so this isn't really a snack...but dancers must stay hydrated! Sparkling ICE is zero calories of light, refreshing deliciousness. Sports drinks can sometimes be too heavy for my taste & water is a bit blase, so this is a great balance between too strong and too boring.  Pink grapefruit is by far my favorite flavor, but then again, I haven't found a flavor I don't like so far.

{2} Trader Joe's Golden Roasted Flax Seed: High in fiber, omegas, and protein, I love these nutty little guys! Flax seeds are great mixed into yogurt or on top of a salad, but I like them as a crunchy, stand alone snack. Like most seeds and nuts, flax seeds are high in fat for their small size, so portion control is a must!

{3} Larabar Cherry Pie & Lemon Bar: Larabar keeps ingredients to 9 or less natural foods, and then smushes them together into a tasty, snack-sized bar. Made up of nuts, fruits, seeds, and spices, these bars prove that simple can be delicious. I usually keep Larabars in my purse and dance bag, just in case I'm starving between meals. The cherry pie & lemon varieties are my personal favorites, but my roommate loves the more indulgent flavors... chocolate chip cookie dough Larabar anyone? Maybe she's onto something...

{4} Chobani Nonfat Blueberry Greek Yogurt: I could probably eat this yogurt for every meal of every day and never get sick of it {no joke}. Greek yogurt is more tart and creamier it's non-Greek counterparts, but it also boasts more protein in comparison. Did I mention it's also nonfat?! Winning!

Looking for more insight into eating healthy for Irish dancers? Read Christy Dorrity's recent post about motivation & dieting, from an adult Irish dancer's point of view {here}.

What are your favorite healthy snacks? 

Keep Dancing,

1 comment:

  1. I love Chobani yogurt and the Ice grapefruit! I haven't tried the Larabars, but I love Zone Perfect bars, especially the cashew pretzel one. I have flaxseeds in the cupboard. I'll have to go toast me some! Thanks for the tips and thanks for the shout out!
