
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Back to School = Back to Dance [& Back to Blog!]

Hope everyone is having a great back to school [if you're a student] & back to dance season. Summer is sadly coming to a close, but fall brings wonderful changes! Adorable fall clothes, new school supplies, and the beginning of the Oireachtas countdown season!

This fall also marks a momentous milestone on my journey to becoming a TCRG: I'm officially a dance teacher at the Williston School of Dance! I'm teaching our intermediate [novice level] Irish dancers & a super fun class ceili class [or, as we like to call it, Ceili Club]. With the 2013 TCRG exams well on their way, I'm ready to hunker down with Ar Rince Foirne and teach some ceilis!

 I'm eternally sorry for my month long hiatus from updating this lovely blog :) Real life got in the way [read: STUDYING got in the way]. Here's what I was up to when my nose wasn't in a textbook...

Tried to rest & allow my stress-fractured/tendinitis afflicted foot heal...
...which is really hard to do with an awesome new pair of Iconic hard shoes to dance in!
[more on the new shoes to come!] 
Ran into some much-loved fellow Drake dancers at an Irish pub back home...
... and danced a treble reel [while barefoot & wearing a maxi-dress] with Kelsey! 
Danced a 4-Hand with the WSD dancers and the fabulous Irish band, An Triur!
[I said I tried to rest my foot...] 

Mostly, I cheered on Team USA during the Olympics! 
Including A LOT of Gators...
Like this handsome gent: 
Ryan Lochte brought home 5 medals... and looks pretty good in a speedo #Jeah
I celebrated Ryan's triumphant return from the London games at his surprise homecoming party [thrown by good friend of mine.. and his] 

and of course... I was completely mesmerized by the USA women's gymnastics team:
and would love to see those be-sparkled leos translated into solo dresses! 
So, those are the highlights of the last month or so! Sorry for the lack of updates, but I'm back and ready for some fall fun!

Keep Dancing,


  1. Wow, what amazing photos. Looking forward to reading more of your posts. :)

  2. I think that type of dancing would be amazing. I'm sad to see summer go, but there's always an order of schedule that I like in the fall. I found you through Chasing Big Dreams, hello. *waves*
    Catherine Denton

  3. Ahhhhh, I love irish dancing! (not doing it - never have, but watching it!) & I am very happy to NOT be heading back to school, but still excited for all that fall brings with it. :-)
